Using YOURLS with Short Menu

Using YOURLS with Short Menu

Adding your YOURLS service to Short Menu is really straightforward. It will even allow you to use custom keywords! Let's see how to do that.

Your API Endpoint (URL on iOS) is the URL where the yourls-api.php file of your YOURLS installation is located, e.g. If you don't remember the URL, open the admin panel of your YOURLS service and navigate to the Tools page. In the bottom section, where the signature token is explained (we will need that later), you will find an URL that looks similar to the mentioned sample URL.

Remember to only input the URL to the yourls-api.php file, don't append an URL query.

The URL Parameter Key (URL Parameter Name on iOS) will need to be url. If you'd like to be able to use custom keywords, enter keyword for the Keyword Parameter Key (Keyword Parameter Name on iOS), otherwise leave it blank.

The HTTP method can be either GET or POST with a Form Encoded body.

To complete the configuration, you'll need the signature token for your YOURLS service. Open the admin panel of your YOURLS service and navigate to the Tools page. In the bottom section you'll find a 10 character long token, e.g. 34a591z4b2. Copy your token and use it as instructed below.

Add the following parameters using the bottom table:

Key    Value
action shorturl
format json
signature your token

Example iOS Setup

Example macOS Setup